Sunday, June 14, 2009

Life without Internet

Could you imagine life without internet???
Nowadays there is not a day that goes by that I do not flick on my pc to get connected to the internet. One day without internet sends shivers thru my spine  Even though how tired I am when I get home one of the first thing I turn on is my desktop to check things.
It seems my pc is my best friend 
All my tunes, movies, etc are in this friend of mine. I really rely on this piece in other words. It is like the blood in my veins that flows in order to live. Should I join Internet Anonymous??? Hahaha because I am an addict
Makes me look back during times when internet was not readily available How were we able to survive?? Internet is no longer a luxury but a necessity is what I tell all my callers at work and also my favorite line that “I bleed for you because I definitely know how it feels not to be online”