Sunday, April 08, 2007

Tagats Part. 2

Yesterday 4/7/2007 we took another trip to the ever famous Tagaytay. Would you believe right after my last day in Select Transfer. (No sleep!!!) We packed into the Grey Ghost placed 300 pesos gas and proceeded. I had mixed feelings about my coming move so decided to go on a sudden trip to unwind. The 1st plan was to drink in Tagaytay. (JC, Gianne, and I) but when we got there around 9 am plans suddenly changed:

1st we checked out Residence Inn where they have a mini-zoo for 99 pesos entrance each. Pretty stinky and run down if you ask me. They should make a better cage for the animals like the tigers, which are in an ape cage would you believe? And to top it off they are being fed only chicken heads what’s up with that???? They charge everybody 99 pesos and they can’t take care of their animals. Well Philippines my Philippines!!!!

After that we decided to eat at the Famous Alejo's behind Mahogany Market. We had the usual thing you eat in Tagaytay Bulalo (yummy!). With spicy squid and Tokwat Baboy. The bill was a lot cheaper than our last trip and better servings. We just spent 620 pesos for the 3 of us.

Then we went to Taal Vista Hotel for a shit break Sosyal. Where found out if you don’t get your Parking ticket validated you will have to pay 100 pesos. Wow what a change from the last time I did a day trip so I had to con JC in inquiring about wedding reception prices just to escape the charge. Kudos Jaycee

Then off we went to Peoples Park “The palace in the sky” which brought back a lot of memories for me. Right now you have to trek it up for about 200 m because you can’t bring your vehicle all the way up. It is also run down as usual. They charge 15 pesos as an entrance fee and 5 pesos for a jeep to take you to the top. Wonder if they will ever fix the place up???

Then we were supposed to go home but on our way passing Sta. Rosa we realized it was still early about 1 pm so we decided to check out Enchanted Kingdom and be kids once again. They charge 500 pesos for a regular day pass/600 bucks on weekends. (Which is a rip off because you have to pay again for the cool rides). We 1st tried out the Rialto (doesn’t really have the impact it used to have with me!!!) next we proceeded to the Space Shuttle in the spaceport which was awesome as ever (Sayang JC!!! You shouldn’t have backed out this is 1 sure way of releasing stress) then we ate while watching the EK House Band perform (gear not exceptional and pretty run down) would you believe they are still using a Mackie Mixing board and the same EV Speakers they started with(Time to upgrade). We then went out to check out the Kart Track which is the newest attraction of EK. We availed of the 300 pesos combination promo (Go Kart raceway and ATV Track) I didn’t really enjoy the Go Karts because of the seat my big butt was really having a hard time sitting comfortably and barely couldn’t drive but really enjoyed the ATV got to get me one of those!!! Hmm 60 grand for a second hand/99 thousand for a brand new unit. We then tried the Log Jam Twice which got us wet but not as wet as the Rio Grande Rapids which we also tried twice. After that we decided to call it a day and proceed home because we didn’t have extra clothes it’s a good thing I had bed sheets in the car so the car didn’t really get wet.

Boy that was really what you call a day trip would you believe I was able to have the Grey Ghost cleaned after taking JC and Gianne home. Was planning to blog this last night but fell asleep. So decided to do that now. Hope you like the write up and Pictures…..

PEACE!!! and Happy Easter!!!!