Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!

Right now unwinding and blogging while listening to music after a big feast during lunch there goes my blood sugar!!!

We had the traditional Christmas lunch we always had for all these years in my Bita"s house. Boy was the food good don’t think I would have space for dinner it was that great. This Christmas had turned out good and I thank God for making it that way it was worth the 3 masses I attended yesterday.

It is true that Christmas has turned out to be more of a “commercial gimmick” and made more for the kids but at least I feel better this year because my year is ending pretty well just a few days then on comes 2007. Hope next year is a lot better and hope whoever is reading this will have a Blessed New Year and don’t worry I will keep blogging my spare time away…..


Procops said...

nice pics yoids!! added u in my link list!

Procops said...

update this blog!